
searching for happiness?

Everyone everywhere keeps searching for the "eternal happiness". Some work day and night to earn money far more than their needs, so that they'll be happy at last.they hope that the sense of security that their bank balance gives, is the perfect way to get happy. For them more the money more is the happiness.
Some don't need money even for any security.they need it for their social stature.they wear the best clothes,even if they don't feel comfortable in them,ride the best cars.build the most beautiful houses even if they don't get time to make it a home.ask them why? And they will think you are crazy.For them all this pomp n show is a must because it makes their so called friends envy them and so it satisfies their ego.
Why do we get so carried away by the opulence of this world that inspite of knowing that this is not the aim of our life we get happy and sad over petty things. Why inspite of getting so many signs that life is not forever we get so emotional over trivial issue.
Why is it that we avoid the smoke of funeral or hate talking about death? Though we know that it is an absolute truth.If we really think about death do you think we would have time to fight over God? Almost every religion tells us about the perfect way to live, asks us not to fear death, and says if we live according to our religious texts, God himself will come to take us. But most of us are more concerned whether the person next door is praying in the same way as we do.
We love our God we follow our religion and we will kill the other person for its sake. But why do we pray, what is its aim we dont care to understand. if we love God why are we afraid of death?
I think if we spend even a minute over the fragility of human body daily, we ll worry quite less, there will be no greed so no sins. Stop being so afraid of death you can't avoid it.
I know these are no new thoughts but still the way we spend our life made me think over it.

The world is a bridge. Pass over it but build no house upon it, for whoever hopes for one hour, hopes for all eternity. The world is one hour. Spend it in prayer, for the rest is unseen”.
---Inscribed on the Buland Darwaza or Sublime Gateway by the Mughal emperor Akbar

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